Medical Second Opinion. Consult. Confirm. Take Control.

Frequently asked questions

Medical Second Opinion Can Help

Based on a review of your medical records, Medical Second Opinion can provide a second opinion from a leading Canadian medical specialist—an opinion you can trust without reservation. When you need answers, Medical Second Opinion is there for you.

Getting a medical second opinion

Getting the right treatment depends on getting the right diagnosis. When someone’s health or life is at stake, it makes sense to take every precaution and to know as much as possible about treatment options. Getting a second opinion from a leading specialist gives you extra peace of mind by ensuring your diagnosis is validated.

Yes. Getting a second opinion is a very common and well-accepted practice.

Medical Second Opinion offers patients with appropriate insurance coverage who have been diagnosed with serious medical conditions the opportunity to get a second opinion from a leading specialist. Medical Second Opinion also facilitates access to significant savings on healthcare costs abroad in cases where the recommended treatment is only available outside of Canada.

To use the Medical Second Opinion service, a patient must (A) have appropriate insurance and (B) have been diagnosed with an eligible medical conditions.

Medical Second Opinion refines the process of getting a second opinion by using secure, web-based technology. Medical Second Opinion also ensures that the second opinion comes from a leading medical specialist, so that their assessments and opinions are completely reliable.

All Medical Second Opinion specialists practice at the Leading Canadian University Teaching Centres, Canada’s premier healthcare hubs. They are completely familiar with the Canadian medical system, and understand how to work within it to ensure patients get the best care.

The Medical Second Opinion service is a benefit included in the coverage of people who are insured by subscribing companies.

The process

No. All you have to do is call the toll-free Medical Second Opinion telephone number provided by your insurance carrier to start the process. Once you are confirmed eligible for the service, we will ask you to complete the necessary forms giving us authorization to act on your behalf. We then do the rest.

Seven easy steps:

  1. Patient calls to determine eligibility
  2. Medical Second Opinion team opens file and gathers medical records
  3. Medical Second Opinion provides specialist with medical records
  4. Medical Second Opinion specialist reviews case
  5. Medical Second Opinion specialist renders an opinion
  6. Medical Second Opinion specialist prepares final report
  7. Treating physician consults with Medical Second Opinion specialist as needed

To access Medical Second Opinion’s services, a patient must have appropriate insurance coverage and be diagnosed with an eligible medical conditions.

No. Simply authorize us to collect medical records on your behalf. We do all the legwork for you.

The medical second opinion specialists

All Medical Second Opinion specialists are affiliated with leading Canadian medical centres, healthcare hubs which emphasize excellence in clinical care, research and teaching. All have teaching responsibilities at their affiliated Universities and their Faculties of Medicine.

Our healthcare partners

Novus Health is Canada’s leader in health navigation and health management solutions. Novus’ assistance and technology expertise helps its clients and other organizations connect members to compelling health-empowering programs that drive engagement, customer satisfaction, and business growth.

Working with your doctor

Not at all! Seeking a second opinion is a common and accepted practice among physicians. The patient is not seeing another doctor. The patient is merely having his/her medical records reviewed by an expert and that expert’s opinion is based solely on the information provided.

Yes, with your consent. Once you have reviewed our specialist’s report with your doctor, he or she is free to consult with the Medical Second Opinion specialist through the Medical Second Opinion coordination centre.

Eligible medical conditions

To take advantage of Medical Second Opinion’s services, individuals must have appropriate insurance. They must also have been diagnosed with an eligible medical conditions.

Security and privacy

Records are held in the strictest confidence. We conform to all laws and regulations regarding patient confidentiality, and employ the most secure modern technology to ensure the privacy and integrity of your information.

Medical Second Opinion employees and authorized contractors involved in the Medical Second Opinion service have access to your personal information. Your medical information will be held in the strictest confidence at all times. See our privacy policy for full details.

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